Monday, June 29, 2009

"12:30 in the mornin'... i still can't sleep, thinkin' bout your beauty it makes me weak..."

i can't remember the name of the artist that sang that song. so anyways, if you didn't notice, imma keep using song lyrics for the titles. pretty much any song can be used for any situation... so yeaa. haha. today was my sister's graduation from the class...and i couldn't be prouder. she has finally experienced God in a way words cannot express. along with about 150 entirely NEW young and older women... from all over the place... vegas, portland, arizona, even the philippines! it was an amazing thing to see. so many people under the grace... it makes me miss my retreat class....2 years ago... as far as my life now, it's pretty smooth. it could be better, but that's just the way life is i guess... went out with all the officers wednesday and thursday. wednesday we went T.G.I. friday's for camille's 18th birdie. congrats. haha. there were like 30 of us there... i'd feel bad for the waitress, except for that damnn gratuity thing. she probably made $100 off of us. haha. friday we went to ESPN zone in downtown disney. came home at 1. my ninong/ godfather took me. i don'tcall him ninong, because it makes him feel old. haha. so i just call him kuya, or "older brother" (for you not-filipinos.)and he talked to me about an interesting subject. i hate to have to keep going back to this subject (as mariel pointed out...), but it was good. he told me about how he feels about his girlfriend, that he loves her, but every day, he gets more afraid.... afraid that she would start liking someone else... and that she might choose that other guy... and it's the worst feeling in the world. so he said. and that got me thinking... this kinda thing did happen to me before, sort of, but we were never really "together." and i think that was the one that hurt the most. i'm over all that already, but i still remember how that felt. and it sucked. it was crazy, hearing him open up like that...

ok next subject. i gave alina a "congrats on serving present." haha. it was cool seeing her again. and her smile... haha. it's whatever. all the other guys were bugging me about it.... lamee. thanks again, kuya ace, for covering me. haha. i owe you $5. it was worth it.

and the next subject... to the only 4 people following my blog on this damnn thing... school's only been over for about 2 weeks or so... but it feels like a hella long time. we gotta chill sometime. maybe a party? danica, you still owe me one, remember?? haha. =] wesley, the second lame after school kid (after me). we'll hang sometime. haha. as soon as you can legally drive people. you know what? forget that. i'll trust my 14 year old sister behind the wheel before you. because i know the only way i'm getting out of the car you're driving, is on a stretcher. haha. jkjk. mariel, we need to hang too. haha. maybe i'll see you in english and anatomy. hopefully. haha. and michelle, last but not least, we'll double sometime. you'll take ken, obviously. haha.


danica said...
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Wesley Jeanne! said...

John E.! Where the hell have you been? I need to talk to you! Well, so I have an audition on probably July 11th? & I need vocal critique! So get out of your little hermit shell & come help me (: Call/Aim me! 'Cause I don't text, teheee!

ItsMariel said...

I MEEES YOU...I really do. When JEANNE was dancing at my house I kept thinking, "uhh, we need JOHN to teach us some cool steps":]
well yea, we gotta hang out SOON...I can't just wait for English or Anatomy if thats the next time I'll see you...thats too long from now:]
anyways, just call or text...I CAN TEXT NOW:]
haha...but the loser ABOVE me can't.
JKAYS Wesley if you're reading:]